Both common house mice (Mus musculus) and field mice (Apodemus silvaticus) commonly infest homes and businesses throughout the UK.
Their breeding seasons span most of the year with 6-8 litters of up to 14 offspring under ideal conditions. Most will reach maturity in around 35 days and as such populations of mice are capable of expanding quite rapidly.
Trapping and / or baiting can be combined to quickly eliminate a mouse infestation however it is important to identify and block any potential interna external points of entry post treatment if possible in order to prevent re-infestation.
A mouse can quite easily squeeze through 4mm gap, often such gaps are found around pipework as well as on broken / unmeshed vents allowing access to cavity walls and living spaces.
If particularly bait and trap averse mice are causing an issue rodenticidal contact gels can be used to achieve control.