Species of communal wasps commonly found in the UK create paper nests located in virtually any sheltered location above and below ground level.
Hibernating queens emerge from the end of March onwards and quickly establish colonies comprising of several thousand wasps under the right conditions. When disturbed, they will fiercely defend their colony and unlike bees, have a smooth sting, causing no harm to the wasp as it stings, often resulting in multiple stings from a single wasp.
Wasps become particularly aggressive and agitated towards the end of the Summer; as temperatures cool, as the colony begins to loose coordination and direction at this point. Rotting, fermenting fruit fed upon by the wasps at this time only exasperates matters, the alcohol content of such fruit adding to their irritability!
Wasps are a valuable asset to the garden, predating on many nuisance insect species such as greenfly; a problem nest however, situated in a high human traffic area, must be dealt with as early and as safely as possible. The most effective method is by the application of insecticidal powder, which should only be attempted by trained professionals such as ourselves, to avoid painful and potentially dangerous stings.
Our work is guaranteed and no nest has beaten us yet!